Hello Procrastination was created after an inspiration from Michelle Poler “Hello Fears” YouTube videos. She had challenged herself to face her fears head-on for 100 days. Hello Procrastination is a resource run by me, Shabana Momin to help people stay focused, determined, and empowered in achieving all their life goals – one at a time
Am I an expert in the field of psychology? No, but I am an expert in life experiences, and life experiences have taught me good lessons. Continue reading to learn about my life journey, and I am sure you will join the journey with me.

-1995 – (yeah, I am a 90s girl) I finished my 11th grade and got married at the age of 18 (due to cultural background), and I am still married after 25 years!!!
2000 – I knew I wanted to do something with my life, but I did not know what. I did not complete my high school and did not have a graduation certificate, but I had one thing. Passion! I wanted to become a chef, so I randomly called a culinary school to see the requirements for enrolling in the course. But instead of guiding me, the gentleman on the other side of the phone laughed at me and said, “Go get your degree first and then call.” That call pissed me off so much that I became determined to get my GED!!!
2001 – I checked out as many books as I can from the library (yeah, I still have an actual plastic library card) on GED, got focused, and self-studied. After spending few months studying, I registered myself to take the GED exam. And guess what? I passed 🙂
P.S. No, I did not call the culinary school back, and I am not a chef 🙁 I guess the DESIRE to become a chef was not enough.
2004 – I was pregnant with my first child. He is my miracle baby! I delivered him around 36 weeks, but he was born 5 lb 3 oz. He was a tiny, fragile baby for being almost a full term. Per the doctor who delivered my son, my placenta had stopped providing nutrition, and my baby survived inside my womb by burning his fat.
2006 – I was pregnant with my second child, and she was stillborn at 36 weeks of pregnancy. I had a bad experience with one of the nurses at the hospital where I delivered my stillborn baby. After recovering emotionally and mentally from the trauma, I was empowered to become a nurse (yeah, from having a GED).
2008 – I was pregnant with my third child, and she was a healthy, full-term girl.
I knew you’d ask about that question 🙂, So here is the answer…
2013 – I waited until now because I had decided to start taking my nursing school pre-requisites as soon as my daughter starts school. All this while between, I was researching and learning “what it takes to become a nurse.” I enrolled myself in a community college and part-time load. I wanted to achieve my dream, but I still wanted to maintain a family life.
2014 – While I was doing my pre-requisites, I was also intrigued by digital marketing. I had started working on building a website but quickly gave up! Self-doubt (the worst enemy anyone can have). This fear, this self-doubt, has brought me to where I am now six years later!! Writing blogs on this website and helping people not make the mistakes as I did!!!
2016 – I completed all my pre-requisites with a 4.0 GPA. Little did I know anything about calculating GPA and everything. I was just focused, determined, and empowered by my goal (become a nurse and heal people). I had figured out my next step by this time. I had figured out exactly which university I wanted to apply for. Call me crazy, but I applied to ONLY one university after completing the pre-requisites because that was THE ONLY university I wanted to graduate from – UT Health and Science Center!!!
2017-2018 – I did the fast-paced program, and I was hit with the reality and question my decision to become a nurse!!! Managing study, kids, and home life with a full-time nursing program was not easy. I have cried many nights! I failed a semester! I thought of quitting, but my husband and my kids kept me going by reminding me why I chose this path. I graduated one semester late after my cohort graduated, but I crossed the finish line!!!
While I was doing clinical, I was already offered a job, and the job was waiting for me as soon as I passed my NCLEX (it is an exam nursing students take to become a registered nurse and practice).
2018 – 2020 I passed my NCLEX and started working as a brand new nurse. Within two years, I had the privilege of instructing clinical students from the university and instructing new nurse residents. I also completed an evidence-based project for my facility and was also trained to become a charge nurse. I have received recognition from my manager, but the best recognitions were from my clients (I do not like to call them patients. It is like naming them) when they told me how happy and touched they were with my care. Mission accomplished
2020 – I still work as a nurse, but I have this nagging thought that I still am not done with “my purpose in life.” I have always enjoyed reading personal development books and binge-watching personal development videos on YouTube on my off days. Some of my favorites are Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Neville Goddard, Bob Proctor (I wish to meet him one day), Oprah Winfrey (she has some good motivational speeches), Tom Bilyeu (I want to be interviewed by him one day and share my success story) and the list goes on…
Do you sometimes think that it is easy to preach than do it? Well, I am not just going to sit here and preach. I want to lead you by example. I outlined some of the examples above, but the most current one is this one. I decided to start a blog. Not only start a blog, but I am going to do EVERYTHING by myself! How to start a blog, write a blog, create a website (Lol, I made most of this website myself after watching YouTube videos), and pretty much everything that goes to delivering my message to you (the AWESOME readers).
Remember my 2014 year? If not, scroll back up 🙂 I decided to stop procrastinating and face my fears head-on. Bring it on!!!
I urge you to pick about ONE goal. Just one goal that you have always desired in your life and have not accomplished for whatever reasons. Stop sitting on the side line and watching other people achieving YOUR DREAM. Start wherever you are and work on your goal. Remember, where there is will there about is a way too!! Happy Journey.
Stay Focused, Determined, and Empowered!!!