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8 Attitudes of Setting a Goal and Achieving It

by | Jun 18, 2021 | Goal Setting, Motivation, Personal Development, Time Management | 0 comments

We want to accomplish so many goals in our lives, but for one reason or another, we procrastinate and tend to put our goals to the “next day.” We forget that yesterday is gone, today is guaranteed (because we are still alive), but tomorrow is not guaranteed.

We are in the middle of the pandemic, and it is teaching us lots of valuable life lessons. We have learned to appreciate love, family, friends, time, and, most importantly, life!!!

Just like a disease does not discriminate among people (race, social status, or gender), time does not discriminate either.

Everyone gets 24 hours a day, but how one spends 24 hours is up to that person.

So, either we can aimlessly click on YouTube videos (and while watching videos scroll down to read ALL the comments), look at the subscribers the particular Youtuber has, and kind of feel envious of the person’s success, or we can create success for ourselves.

However, do we pause to think of the attitudes of successful people who achieve their goals? There are several attitudes these successful people have, but today I want to discuss just one practice, and that is getting things done when we plan to get things done.

8 Attitudes of Successful People

Now let us clarify what the word “successful” means. Successful does not mean that the person is intelligent, good-looking, wealthy, or (whatever other things you want to list) possess. It is quite the opposite being successful means having the following attitudes.

Attitude #1 – Knowing Your Goal

Knowing EXACTLY what we want in life (just stating, “I want more money is not enough. State the amount of money. Stating, “I want to lose weight is not enough. Know exactly how many pounds you want to lose). See your end before you get there!

Attitude #2 – Why You Want to Achieve That Goal

Whenever we do something, there is always a reason behind it. For example, if we choose to exercise, then it is not only because we want to look good in our clothes. Of course, that is the outcome of us exercising.

However, there is a multitude of reasons behind that action. For example, some of us may choose to exercise because it helps us relax, while some of us may choose to exercise because we instead invest in health rather than illness.

So, take few minutes and figure out your “why” because it will keep you motivated and focused along your journey.

Attitude #3 – Focusing on One Goal at A Time

Choose only ONE goal, please!

Our mind is a powerhouse, and it can focus on multiple things at any given time. Hence, we tend to lose our focus and never achieve our goals.

So, find out what is that “one goal” that keeps nagging at you when you are alone.

Personally, although I have gained so many things, I had this feeling that I have not met my purpose. I wanted to share my knowledge and wisdom with other people. So, I decided to start my blog and share my difficulties and achievements (not to brag about them but to share and let my readers know that “once you set your mind, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!).

So awesome readers, choose ONE goal now.

Attitude #4 – Making No Excuses

Once you have set your mind to your goal, make no EXCUSES!

If we go back to the beginning of the article, do you remember everyone gets 24 hours in a day?

Instead of making an excuse, how about combining activities?

Now, what do I mean by that? For example, if your goal is to master one self-help book, then maybe you can listen to that particular book while exercising.

If you want to lose 1 pound a week, how about taking some actions like parking a car farther, taking steps (if you work in a building), and replacing one meal a day with a “healthy version” of your favorite food.

It is incredible nowadays how many choices we have available. So, there should not be a reason to make an excuse!

Attitude #5 – Taking Inventory of the Resources That Will Help You Achieve Your Goal

It may be that you exactly know what your goal is, but probably you have not been able to accomplish it because you did not have the resources.

Now the resources can be anything from lack of skills, lack of time, lack of money, or lack of knowledge.

So, first, find out your strength and your weakness so that you can tackle your weakness. Then, find a mentor from whom you can learn what you require to reach your goal.

However, we have to be careful in this step. Hopefully, in the process of finding the “expert,” we do not fall into the loophole of mindlessly going through social media.

It is very easy to get hypnotized with social media and get pulled into it mindlessly for hours (been there, done that).

Attitude #6 – Knowing the Deadline To Achieve Your Goal

Yup, it is vital to set a date because if we do not have a set date, there will always be tomorrow, right?

Also, this step keeps us accountable for our actions, and we built ourselves on this success.

There is a reason that we know the deadline to reach our goal. It is just like a marathon runner who knows when he/she will be running the race.

Let’s suppose if there was no deadline for that runner, do you think he/she will be focused and spend the time and energy effectively?

Knowing the deadline puts you in a zone.

Attitude #7 – Response after a temporary defeat

Remember in the above step, we set a deadline to reach a specific goal? Know what you are going to do if you meet a temporary defeat.

Will you throw in the towel and say, “Well, I tried it once, and that is more than enough!”

Do you think trying something once and failing once is more than enough to give up your goal?

We would not have been walking on our feet if, as a baby, we had such an attitude. When we were a baby, we fell and got up, fell and got up until we mastered the art of walking.

Plus, if you were working towards a goal and failed, so what? Instead of saying, “I failed!” How about we say, “I have come so far. I might as well keep on moving because if I go two steps back instead of going one step forward probably, I will never realize how my life would have been different.”

So, push through your defeat. Hold your head up high and keep on moving forward.

If all fails, at least you learned something new. Right?

Earl Nightingale said, “There is only one thing that sets apart successful people from the people who are not successful. And that is ATTITUDE!” So, what is going to be your ATTITUDE?

Attitude #8 – Enjoying the Victory and Repeat 6 steps for the next goal

After you achieve your goal, make it a point to celebrate your success. It will give a sense of new confidence. Celebrate VICTORY!

Although all of the steps mentioned above are important, this is especially important.

Do you know what I have learned? We, as human beings, think negatively first instead of thinking positive.

I can prove this to you and be honest with your emotions when I ask you this question. Will you? If someone positively comments on you, what is the first thought that goes to your mind? (If you feel comfortable answering, then please comment below).

For me, if my colleagues tell me, “Shabana, you are so smart!”

The first thing, of course, I thank them, but then inside my head, I think, “They are just kind to me. I am not that smart!”

Do you agree with this kind of thought behavior? (Again, please leave the comment below. I would love to hear from you).

In Conclusions

  • Achieving goals is not a super complicated task.
  • Just following a few steps will put you way ahead of those who do not take action and keep procrastinating.



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