Steps To Success


Change Your Mindset

Believe it or not, to stop procrastination comes down to our mindset. Earl Nightingale said in The Strangest Secret, “We become what we think about.” And it is not just what we think about but how we feel about a particular thing. Now, what do I mean by that? I want you to think about a goal that you want to accomplish. Let me ask you what thoughts went inside your head, and what emotions ran inside your heart? I bet you the first thought and first emotion was that of a negative. So, it does not matter if you want to accomplish something with a good intention. If you do not change your innermost belief about yourself, no amount of motivation will help you achieve your goal, and you will keep procrastinating!


set small goals

Every journey begins with a small step. We do not tell a baby to walk before learning to crawl and run before learning to walk. Just because we are an adult does not mean the rules change. After we have changed our mindset, begin by setting a small goal. It may take as little as going to sleep 10 minutes early, reading one page of your favorite book; if you are trying to lose weight, then do not think in terms of today, weeks, months, and years. Think in terms of “now.” What do you want to accomplish “this moment?” Giving in to temptations may give immediate gratification. Still, if we think about it, it chips away a little bit of our self-confidence and self-esteem, and the cycle goes back to the beginning. We start believing in our false programmed mind.


 enjoy victory

Now, this is a biggie!! No matter how small the victory is, give yourself some credit. Do not say, “Oh, that was not a big deal!” We as humans have habits of thinking negative before we even take the courage to think positive. When a child does well in school, we as parents do not tell our child, “Oh, you were supposed to do well in school. What you did was not a big deal.” Ouch!! It hurts even while I am typing these words. Then why do we take the luxury to put ourselves down? Let’s suppose you were successful drinking one less cup of coffee in a day (that was your goal), then feel good about yourself. And here is the thing share your victory with people who genuinely care about you. Please!! If you share it with people who do not care about you, then you will not feel victorious, and guess what? Yup, the cycle goes back to the beginning – Mindset


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About Me

Hello Procrastination was created after an inspiration from Michelle Poler “Hello Fears” YouTube videos. She had challenged herself to face her fears head on for 100 days. Hello Procrastination is a resource run by me, Shabana to help people stay focused, determined, and empowered in achieving all their life goals – one at a time

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